Our Programs

Infants & Toddlers (0-3 years)

Our infant & toddler program provides a safe, warm, loving environment children ages 6 weeks to 3 years.  Children have consistent caregivers for this age so they are able to form secure attachments that are crucial for development.  Responsive caregiving is a key aspect of this program as the needs of the children are attended quickly and with compassion as the learn about the world around them.

Teachers prepare materials to develop early math and literacy skills through rich sensory and explorative experiences. Infants and toddlers are invited to sing, dance, read, play and create with teachers.

Preschool (3-5 years)

Our preschool program is for children ages 3 to 5 years.  The mixed age group allows students and teachers to have a strong connection with each other as children take appropriate risks in learning and know they are safe and able to make mistakes with their teacher. Children are able to learn from their older peers and then become mentors for younger children.

Teachers prepare materials to develop early math and literacy skills through meaningful play. Children use dramatic play and sensory experiences to learn about the world around them.


Our Pre-Kindergarten program, First Step Preschool, is for children who will be 5 years of age during the school year, and families who want a school-like experience for students who may struggle with the transition to Kindergarten, academically or social-emotionally.

Teachers work with students on core school-readiness concepts including patience, responsibility, cooperation, and early math and reading concepts in a more formal school-like setting.